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Hey there, press-on lovers! We all adore the convenience and versatility of press-on nails, but keeping them on can be tricky, especially in winter when those jelly tabs aren’t as sticky. Fear not - here are five simple tips to ensure your press-ons last longer with those tabs regardless of the weather!


See our application tutorial video here!


1. Warm It Up!

Winter chill can make jelly tabs harden and less sticky as a result, so give them a little love! Warm them up by keeping the sheets under a cup of hot water or tea while you prep your nails, or give them a quick blast from a hairdryer on low once applied. A little heat goes a long way in boosting their adhesive power!

2. Prep Your Nails Like a Pro

Clean and dry nails are a must. Remove any oils or moisture with alcohol wipe to ensure a solid grip - don’t forget to wipe the insides of your press-ons as well as your nails! Gently buff your nails for extra adhesion - this step can make a big difference in how long your press-ons stay put. Pro tip: buff vertically instead of horizontally to minimise damage.

3. Press Down, Don’t Mess Around

Once your nails are in place, press down firmly for about 30 seconds. This helps the jelly tabs to bond better and keeps everything in their rightful spot. Just think of it as a mini workout for your nails!

4. Avoid Water for the First Few Hours

After application, it’s crucial to avoid water, heat, or excessive movement for at least the first couple hours. This will give the jelly tabs time to fully adhere. Pro tip: Apply your press-ons before bed and give them a full night’s rest!

6. Reapply Tabs as Needed

If you find that some nails are starting to lift over time, don’t hesitate to reapply new jelly tabs. Having a few extra tabs on hand ensures you can quickly remedy any issues and keep your nails looking flawless.

With these five tips, you’ll have press-on nails that can withstand the winter weather and keep you looking chic! Happy nail styling! 💅✨

Xoxo, Team Fette


